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What to Expect from EMDR therapy in Tampa
FAQs about counseling, therapy, psychotherapy, in Tampa
Questions to ask a therapist, counselor or psychologist in Tampa
Finding a therapist, counselor, or psychologist in Tampa
Tampa, FL is a top spot for vacations and really cool attractions, it can be a great place to visit and live! However, just because a lot of it is really beautiful and has great attractions, doesn’t necessarily cut out the fact that people who live here year-round need support. I know it can be difficult finding the right therapist for the struggle you are facing and sometimes even one that fits with our personalities. I’m here to help. I’d like to help you find someone who you can connect with and who can help in a way that meets your needs.
What EMDR Therapy is and How it Works Online
If you are wondering what EMDR therapy is and how this might look online, read on. This article describes what EMDR is and what typically happens in EMDR sessions with me as an anxiety therapist.