No one chooses trauma, but seeking out healing is the first step to taking back control.

EMDR and Counseling for Sexual Abuse in Phoenix, AZ and Tampa, FL

EMDR Therapist specializing in sexual abuse in Tampa Florida & Phoenix Arizona

***This page may contain some triggering words. Click here to access guided meditations that may help to regulate the nervous system. If you are in crisis or distress, Call or Text 988 for free 24/7 confidential support.***

You don’t want a life defined by your past sexual abuse, but life seems to be spiraling lately.

You probably have your hands full managing your day-to-day and it just feels like life is throwing so much more at you than you can handle. It might feel like triggers and flashbacks from past sexual abuse have become a daily or sometimes hourly occurrence. It’s understandable that life can feel really overwhelming when you don’t know when you’re going to be reminded of past experiences where you held no control.

You try to keep up with life’s demands and cope, but it can sometimes feel insurmountable.

You might feel on edge, anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, or even rageful at any given moment. It feels like these reactions come out of the blue, and you’re tired of trying to keep up with it all. But deep down, you know that it’s not out of the blue, and that there is a root cause for all of these struggles.

You deserve to find a safe space where you can breathe again and return to your authentic self.

I help trauma, and sexual abuse survivors heal from past experiences that haunt their daily life. Together, we can work to figure out what resources will help you feel grounded and in control. With you in the driver’s seat, we work together to establish a plan to process the past that has held you back for far too long. After all, you didn’t ask for trauma to happen to you, and you deserve to take back your power.

white female with short curly hair smiling at viewer in a field with greenery, wearing a navy blue tank top with sunflowers

I'm an EMDR therapist in Tampa and Phoenix, and here is how I can help.

My name is Kandace Ledergerber (she/her); I’m a Licensed Mental Health Counselor/Licensed Professional Counselor and Registered Yoga Teacher*. Through EMDR therapy, I help trauma and sexual abuse survivors find the healing they are craving and shift out of flight or flight mode to find control and breathing space. I genuinely value inclusivity and support people who have been marginalized throughout life. I work with these individuals to build a safe space where they can heal from the past. I welcome ALL people into my office and invite each person to show up as exactly who they are because who they are holistically matters. I do my best work with people who align with these values and seek inclusivity in their own lives.

*Please see the bottom of this page if you would like to understand more about the roots of the yoga I have been trained in, the impact of colonial violence, and my intentions.

Trauma has ruled your life for long enough. Connect today and see how EMDR therapy can help.

If you are ready to stop reeling from flashbacks and trauma triggers, I invite you to contact me and start your journey toward healing. While it is not an easy feat, it is most certainly worth it. You deserve to feel grounded and return to the heart of who you truly are. Click below to set up your free consultation, and we can discuss how EMDR can help you reclaim your life after trauma and sexual abuse.

I understand how important it is to find a therapist you can trust and click with!

Reach out today for a free 15-minute consult. If I’m not the right therapist for you, I promise to do my best to connect you with a professional you feel is a good fit.