Top 5 Truths About EMDR Therapy Phoenix
Photo Description: Person facing away from viewer sitting on a mat cross legged looking out into the mountains, with the sun coming up and clouds scattered. On the right side of the picture is a light salmon box with the caption reading “My Top #5 Truths About EMDR Therapy in Pheonix” in navy blue and at the bottom a small light salmon rectangle with the caption “” in navy blue.
Photo by Louis Galvez on Unsplash
Photo Description: A close up photo of a person looking away from the viewer, they appear to have tears in their eyes and some kind of white cloth under their eyes and across their face.
It was another tough night, where you were waking up constantly from dreams that feel all too real. You’re dealing with triggers that seem to come out of nowhere during the day, making you want to crawl out of your skin and just get back to normal, whatever that was. Dealing with the aftermath of trauma can be beyond words, excruciating, difficult, infuriating and isolating. It’s understandable you just want to return to who you were and what you knew before the trauma happened. It’s also understandable, if you're reading this, and you’re not sure if you ever knew what “normal” without trauma looked like. But here’s the silver lining, you don’t have to continue to feel stuck in the trauma that you could not control and didn’t choose.
You are not alone in your journey. The pain you’ve been carrying around may feel heavy and isolating, but there are paths to healing that can meet you where you are in your struggle and can help you move out of the pain, triggers and trauma. Just like you, many survivors have navigated the depths of trauma's darkness, searching for a glimmer of hope and a way to mend their wounded selves.
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing, known as EMDR, offers a compassionate approach, acknowledging the uniqueness of your pain and guiding you towards a place of inner strength and restoration. Trust that within you lies the resilience and resources you need to face your past, and through healing, you can embrace a future where trauma no longer defines and dictates your story. Together, we can walk the path of healing and growth, empowering you to reclaim your life and rewrite the narrative of your journey. In this blog I will share my top 5 truths about EMDR therapy in Phoenix, AZ. I know the Phoenix heat can be tough, but as a Phoenix native, I know that on the other side of that scorching hot summer is sweet releif, a beautiful fall, winter and spring that makes it all worth it. Akin to this - I believe the healing process, like the summer, is also worth wading through. It’s difficult, not always easy, but entirely worth it in the end.
My Top #5 Truths About EMDR Therapy in Phoenix
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
Photo Description: Large tree with spiraling roots and branches, with the sun peeking through the branches and lots of green lush leaves.
1) EMDR (or any healing path) Has Hills and Valleys - I think that any healing path that you may choose is going to have some ups and downs. I think this is also true with the process of EMDR therapy. When starting EMDR therapy with a new client, I start by getting to know this new client and finding what resources (coping skills) would be helpful in their daily life, and as a team we start building them. As you feel more comfortable with me and less triggered in your daily life, we’ll work our way into identifying the memories you want to process. EMDR targets the root cause of distress. Unlike some therapeutic approaches that focus primarily on managing symptoms, EMDR therapy aims to address the underlying causes of distress. It targets past experiences, traumatic memories, and negative beliefs that contribute to emotional and psychological difficulties which in turn impact the body. By processing and integrating these experiences, individuals can achieve long-lasting healing and resolution. This can lead to some feelings of ups and downs - you feel good and start to manage your stress and triggers more effectively, and when we start to re-process past trauma, it can also bring up past emotions and triggers that can be uncomfortable. But as we clear out the negative associations to these memories, you are likely to feel less activated when you look back at these memories and are able to feel more at peace when thinking on them as a whole.
2) The Small Wins Add Up - This is something I know to be true as an EMDR therapy provider in Phoenix. The small wins add up over time, just in the same way that trauma has added up over time. Think of it this way, It has taken a lifetime to build up some of the trauma you might be working through. Give yourself time to develop the good too. What’s great is that EMDR therapy works with the brain's natural healing processes. EMDR therapy is based on the idea that the brain has an innate ability to heal itself. It utilizes bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements or other forms of alternating sensory input, to activate the brain's natural healing processes. This stimulation mimics the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage of sleep which helps with memory consolidating and emotion processing from the day. This stimulation helps to reprocess traumatic memories and alleviate distressing symptoms.
Photo by Ruan Richard Rodrigues on Unsplash
Photo Description: Hand outstretched with a prism of rainbow color across the fingers with a white background.
3) It’s All About the Journey - I have often times heard the question of “How long will treatment take?” and while this is certainly not the most favorite answer, the answer is that it depends on a lot of factors. It depends on what resources a person already has in place, how much trauma they’ve experienced, how stable they feel in their life and the safety and comfort they feel with the clinician they are working with this. All of this impacts the timeline of EMDR therapy. I have found with most clients though that it's about the overall journey and process not about the quick fix they wanted in the beginning, that matters to them at the end. It’s important to note that a large part of EMDR therapy utilizes a structured approach and follows a specific, eight-phase protocol to ensure safety, stability, and gradual processing of traumatic memories. These phases include history taking, preparation, assessment, desensitization, installation of positive beliefs, body scan, closure, and reevaluation. The structured nature of EMDR therapy provides a clear framework for both the therapist and the client, ensuring a comprehensive and systematic healing process. The bottom line is that EMDR therapy is a solution-based therapy, and my goal is that no client is in therapy forever and can reach their goals as quickly and as safely as possible.
4) Like Anything in Life, It’s Not All Rainbows and Butterflies - This is probably one of the second things I hear most often. I’ve often had clients say after reprocessing something successfully, meaning they no longer find it to be triggering and have a more positive belief about themselves when looking back at this memory, that “It’s not what I thought it would like, but it’s better than it was.” Meaning while life does not look like shining rainbows around each corner, always feeling happy with never any stress - it does mean that that part of you is able to move forward and shift the belief in how that trauma held you back. There is a certain freedom in it, a perspective shift, towards more self-love, empowerment and strength. It's understandable that it’s not like this all the time, because that's not life. It is about enjoying the beautiful moments and knowing you have what it takes to get through the hard ones. EMDR therapy promotes adaptive resolution. One of the primary goals of EMDR therapy is to facilitate adaptive resolution of traumatic memories and experiences. This means that instead of simply reducing distress, EMDR aims to transform the negative beliefs, emotions, and sensations associated with the trauma into more positive and adaptive responses. By doing so, individuals can experience profound shifts in their self-perception, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life.
5) When You Change, Life Around You Changes - Think about where you were 6 months ago, one year ago, 5 years ago. Who are you now because of the work you've done. What changed in your life because of the changes you made for yourself and the work you did. As we change our perspective and beliefs, we have about ourselves that had previously been tied to trauma memories, life around us can also change. You may experience the shift in feeling like you deserve more than what you have been settling for in your current relationship and set more boundaries for yourself. You may feel safer and more comfortable in your own skin, so you plan dates for yourself or engage in self-care differently than you had before. It all depends on who you are, what’s important to you, what beliefs you are working to shift and how this shows up in your life.
Are You Looking for An EMDR Therapy Provider in Phoenix?
EMDR requires a skilled and trained therapist that goes beyond a masters in therapy. It is essential to work with a licensed therapist who has received proper EMDR training. An experienced EMDR therapist can guide individuals through the process, ensuring safety, providing support, and facilitating effective reprocessing of traumatic memories. Trusting the therapeutic relationship and feeling comfortable with the therapist are crucial elements for successful EMDR therapy.
EMDR Therapy Phoenix - Kandace Ledergerber.
Picture description: White woman with short curly hair smiling at the viewer in a field with greenery, wearing a navy blue tank top with sunflowers.
These truths are what I have found in my personal and clinical experience to be true in nature, but of course, everyone differs and have different experiences. If you are considering EMDR therapy, it is important to consult with a qualified therapist who can assess your specific needs and determine if EMDR is a suitable approach for you. If you are looking for an EMDR therapist here in Phoenix, I encourage you to reach out for a free 15-minute consultation. In this consultation we can chat about what’s been going on for you, what your goals are and if I’m the right fit for what you’re looking for.