Questions to ask a therapist, counselor or psychologist in Tampa
Questions to ask a therapist, counselor, or psychologist in Tampa
Therapy is a very personal process, so it makes sense that we would want someone that aligns with our views or jives with our personality. On top of that, if you’re struggling with anxiety, trauma, or just plain life stress, it can be that much harder to keep your head straight while trying to find help. You’ve found a few therapists in Tampa or maybe across Florida that offer online counseling, but figuring out which one is the right fit can be hard! You want to see a change in your life, but how do you match that up with the right professional?
You’ve read on therapists’ websites about a free consultation and have a few that you want to call, but maybe you’re wondering, what do I say? What am I supposed to ask? Will they guide the conversation?
Questions to ask a Therapist in Tampa
Most of the time, the therapist on the phone will have some questions for you about what you’re struggling with and will talk with you about their process and what that looks like. Here are a couple of questions that might make it easier to find the right therapist first for you. Whether you have found this page, looking for an anxiety therapist or are interested in EMDR therapy, or not, these questions can be helpful when finding a therapist for any struggle you are facing.
What are some of your specialties?
Most therapists have a specialty that they work with, something that they have a passion for and so they have sought out extra training that makes them specialized. For example, some specialties are working with people who struggle with PTSD, anxiety, trauma, body image issues, eating disorders, and so on.
What does therapy look like with you?
Every therapist has their own style, some give homework assignments, others don’t. Some like to offer guided meditations as a part of winding down sessions whereas others might ask for you to think back to what was important in the session for you. We all have a different flavor, so by asking this question, you learn a little bit about theirs!
What is your fee? Do you accept insurance?
These are important questions because you want someone who both aligns with your personality and is something you can financially budget. I would encourage you to keep in mind too, that if you’ve found the right fit for you and the fee is higher than you expect, try to also keep in mind that this is for your mental health. The goal is not to be in therapy forever, so what you spend can be an investment into yourself.
How often do you meet with your clients? Why that frequency?
Some therapists like to see clients weekly, other’s see them biweekly or are even fine booking monthly appointments. By asking these questions you can determine more about their style. Even asking why they choose to meet with their clients at that frequency can give you some good information.
I hope this helps you find the right therapist in Tampa for you. If you are at all feeling stuck or need, please feel free to call me at (813)738-3600. We can chat for a free 15-minute consultation, you can ask me the questions above or more of your own to see if we’d be a good fit. If not, there’s no harm no foul, I just want to see each person that calls find the help they are looking for. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person.
If you are looking for a therapist to work with you in EMDR therapy, you can read more about what that looks like and how I work here.